If you’re looking to scratch a musical itch or just want to pound your opponents into submission, God of Rock should cover both bases.

From there, forty original songs build out the key features list…

Various game modes hold this all together, with a Story Mode, Training Mode, online and local Multiplayer modes and a Track Editor all available. With complexity building as the action and music ramp, this could well be a super intense fighter, powered by super intense tunes. Pulling off blows should be a cinch, as we hit buttons to match notes on-screen, slowly pounding away until the Super Attack comes in.

Multiple fighters await the battle in God of Rock, each with their own designs, mechanics and attack systems. Think Guitar Hero crossed with Tekken and you’ll be a million miles away, but it’s the best we can muster up at this time. God of Rock feels fairly unique – our upcoming full review will let you know just how so – as it combines the age-old rhythm-based moments with even older fighting game mechanics.